Asystent stanowisko badawczo-dydaktyczne

Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica w Krakowie
  • Miejsce: Krakow
  • Forma zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę
  • Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych
  • inżynieria lądowa, geodezja i transport

Opis stanowiska

The employed person will be responsible for conducting didactic classes and participating in scientific research conducted at the Department of Integrated Geodesy and Cartography.
The Department is currently conducting research related to the influence of various physical phenomena on the Earth’s rotation, which includes issues related to, among others, the forecast of Earth Orientation Parameters and the analysis of their changes over time.
Preferred candidates are those who can demonstrate publications in the field of the use of various methods of Earth Orientation Parameters perdiction, time series analysis and the study of changes in the Earth’s rotation. Knowledge of mathematical modeling tools and methods and their application in the study of the Earth’s rotation will be a significant asset.

Nasze wymagania

  • details attached

Zakres obowiązków

  • details attached

Dokumenty wymagane do rekrutacji

  • application, CV, personal questionnaire,
  • list of scientific achievements,
  • copies of diplomas and other certificates confirming qualifications,
  • document confirming knowledge of English at a level of at least B2 (for candidates whose native language is not English),
  • document confirming knowledge of Polish at a level of at least C1 (for candidates whose native language is not Polish.
