Doktorant stanowisko badawcze

  • Miejsce: Warszawa
  • Forma zatrudnienia: Stypendium
  • Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych
  • nauki chemiczne

Opis stanowiska

Director of Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw, with Project Leader, announces opening of the position of PhD Students (2) in the group of researchers in the Chemical and Biological Systems Simulation Laboratory– Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw.

Project title: Low-dimensional materials for solar fuels conversion and valorization (SOLAR2VAL)

Project leader: Silvio Osella, PhD DSc

Competition number: CeNT-27-2024

For more informations, please visit:

Nasze wymagania

  • MSc degree in chemistry or related discipline. The MSc degree should be obtained before the date of starting work in the project
  • Confirmed status of a PhD student (on the date of starting work in the project at the latest)
  • knowledge of quantum chemistry
  • experience with quantum chemistry calculations (ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations)
  • knowledge of simulation of low dimensional systems and experience with multiscale simulation approach (i.e. MD, CG, QM/MM, QM) is welcomed
  • ability to work in a group (possibility to work on-line), curiosity and motivation to learn
  • willingness to work in interdisciplinary and international teams
  • fluency in written and spoken English

Zakres obowiązków

  • MD simulations of low dimensional materials' assembly
  • Ab initio computation of absorption/emission properties of the constituents of the assembly
  • QM/MM calculations and analysis of opto-electronic and transport properties
  • Ab initio study on the heterogeneous catalytic cycle for the formation of solar fuels
  • Analyses of the collected data
  • Participation in preparation of scientific publications
  • Active participation in group activities (seminars, tutorials)

Dokumenty wymagane do rekrutacji

  • Cover letter
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Copy of MSc certificate (or, if the MSc certificate has not been obtained yet, a certificate/document about the date of MSc defense)
  • Document confirming the status of PhD Student (to be provided before employment in the project)
  • At least two reference contacts (with phone numbers and emails)
  • Signed information on the processing of personal data
