1 stanowisko adiunkt

  • Miejsce: Gdańsk
  • Forma zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę
  • Dziedzina nauk społecznych
  • psychologia

Opis stanowiska

Key Responsibilities:
➢ Carry out research and engage with tasks and deliverables included in cross-cutting WP1 &
WP7 (Employment), under the direction of the Principal Investigator and research partners.
➢ Contribute to the research tasks and deliverables of other WPs, in collaboration with the
team of Post-Doctoral Research Fellows based in the institutional partners of the REWIRING project consortium.
➢ The Postdoc will be working with the Principal Investigator, Dr. Natasza KosakowskaBerezecka (Division of Cross-Cultural and Gender Psychology, University of Gdańsk) along
with a team of researchers in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law at the
University of Gdańsk. The Postdoc will also work with the RE-WIRING consortium of
partners and researchers.
We are looking for a candidate with:
Specific Knowledge & Experience:
✓ PhD in social/cross-cultural psychology, sociology, educational sciences or a related
field with tracked knowledge (published articles or other research) on feminist and gender
related theoretical frameworks;
✓ experience in conducting cross-sectoral & cross-cultural comparative research;
✓ multi-disciplinary background and knowledge of different research methodologies in the
social sciences – e.g. literature review considering the differing cultural contexts,
experimental/intervention studies, survey studies, experience in adopting mixed method
approach in research;
✓ experience in coordinating research projects, involvement in multi-nation and
interdisciplinary teams/lines of research;
✓ experience and affinity with dissemination of scientific evidence to lay audiences and
societal stakeholders, in particular via visual/social media/multimedia/app content,
working with policy advice/briefing is an advantage;
Skills & Abilities
✓ Fluency in English, both verbal and written.
✓ Team-players, demonstrating a collaborative attitude.
✓ Good organisational and team management skills, as well as cross-cultural
✓ Keen to work on the development of an interdisciplinary (institutional, empirical,
symbolical) transnational transformative equality approach and methodology.
✓ A trans/inter/multi-disciplinary background and knowledge of different research

Division of Cross-Cultural
& Gender Psychology
Institute of Psychology
e-mail: natasza.kosakowska@ug.edu.pl
Bażyńskiego 4
80-309 Gdańsk
✓ Ability to work as part of a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary team.
✓ Ability to work to tight deadlines.
✓ Willing to travel overseas (consortium partner countries) for research
What do we offer:
✓ Up to 3-year salary (ap. 110.000 PLN yearly /brutto brutto/, fixed, full-term position)
✓ Opportunity to work with an experienced international and interdisciplinary team realizing
an unique, engaging and cross-cultural project
✓ Research visits and team meetings at partner institutions
✓ Opportunity to organize work so that part of it is done remotely
If you are interested in applying please send us, in one single PDF document:
✓ application letter explaining your interest in the project and expressing your willingness to
work with us.
✓ a full CV (including the title of your PhD thesis, a list of publications, and conference
✓ copy of your PhD diploma
✓ three representative publications
✓ name, affiliation, email and phone number of two referees who can be contacted if
