Profesor stanowisko badawcze

Space Technology Centre AGH University of Krakow
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica w Krakowie
  • Miejsce: Krakow
  • Forma zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę
  • Dziedzina nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych
  • inżynieria materiałowa

Opis stanowiska

A full-time job for a professor in a group of research staff at the AGH Space Technology Centre.

Job responsibilities:
– to develop a research program based on innovative thinking and scientific excellence The program needs to be complementary to the state of the art in the fields of modeling and simulation
of the properties of new materials, new materials manufacturing technologies, and advancement
of materials for satellite structures,
– leading a research program at an international level, focusing on the design and implementation
of material technologies intended for exploration in the space environment,
– to apply for funding at national and international sources, including support from the space industry sector; as part of their research activities, they will foster international partnerships with academic institutions, stakeholders, and industrial partners.

Subject aera: space technologies, materials for space applications, manufacturing technologies for composites designe

Nasze wymagania

  • details attached

Zakres obowiązków

  • details attached

Dokumenty wymagane do rekrutacji

  • CV
  • a list of your scientific and organizational achievements, and - optionally - a list of your didactical achievements,
  • a document proving your residency at a foreign university or another equivalent research unit,
  • your consent to process your data in the recruitment process in accordance with the applicable law.
