Stypendysta stanowisko badawcze

  • Miejsce: Warszawa
  • Forma zatrudnienia: Stypendium
  • Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych
  • nauki chemiczne

Opis stanowiska

The goal of the project is to design stable and highly efficient hybrid nanomaterials for optoelectronic applications, i.e. collecting sunlight and transforming it into a different type of light or clean energy. The nanomaterials will be placed in prototype devices by a multidisciplinary and international team of chemists and experimental physicists. In this project we will use 1: multiscale computational methods to describe the chemical and physical properties of interfaces; 2: synthesis and characterization of hybrid interfaces and 3: optimization of optoelectronic functionality (Dr Teresa Gatti, JLU, Germany).

Nasze wymagania

  • Enrolled as a student of first cycle studies, second cycle studies or uniform Master’s studies conducted in a higher education institution on the territory of Poland, in chemistry, physics or related discipline.
  • Willing to spend 25-30 hours a week (flexible hours) to do fun projects
  • With good oral/written communication skills in English

Mile widziane

  • Although not required, any previous experience in molecular modelling would be welcome

Zakres obowiązków

  • MD analysis of the low dimensional assemblies
  • study of optical, electronic and transport properties from QM/MM calculations


  • Stimulating and friendly work environment
  • attractive stipend
  • opportunity to work in an innovative international project

Dokumenty wymagane do rekrutacji

  • Cover letter
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Copy of document confirming the student status
  • Signed information on the personal data processing: