Doktorant stanowisko badawcze

  • Miejsce: Warszawa
  • Forma zatrudnienia: Stypendium naukowe
  • Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych
  • nauki biologiczne

Opis stanowiska

1. Genomics data analysis for iBLESS, ChIA-PET, ChIA-Drop, Hi-C and HiChIP experimental data;
2. Three-dimensional computational modeling using ChIA-PET, ChIA-Drop, Hi-C and HiChIP experimental data;
3. Statistical analysis of epigenomic data, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, RNAseq experimental data;
4. Analyzing the simulations results, formulating biophysical hyphothesis;
5. Commitment and full-time effort to the project;
6. Initiative in identifying and resolving problems relating to the research;
7. Management of his or her work efficiently and increase the visibility through the publications;
8. Active participation in weekly lab meetings, scientific seminars and international conferences;
9. Publications and individual Young Researchers grants preparation

Nasze wymagania

  • MSc degree in molecular biology, biophysics, bioinformatics or related discipline. The MSc degree should be obtained before the date of employment in the project. We can wait till MSc thesis defense, if needed;
  • Confirmed status of a PhD student on the day of starting the work in the project. We can wait till PhD student status is acquired, if needed;
  • Excellent knowledge of English;
  • Team work skills and experience;
  • Documented experience with the whole genome sequence data, epigenomic and 3D genomics dataset;
  • Bioinformatics and biological knowledge of chromatin-related genomics: DNA sequencing, epigenomics, RNAseq, ATAC-seq data analysis, HiC, HiChIP, ChIA-PET, iBLESS;
  • Priority will be given to candidates with expertise relevant to the OPUS project and in agreement with the general profile of the laboratory. Preliminary work done by applicant in the context of 3DGenomics will be treated as the strong asset;
  • Essential requirements cover the ability to work in collaboration with others, within a large research team, performing several parallel scientific tasks, independent thinking and finally the ability to deliver publishable results;
  • Needed the highly motivated individuals willing to work in an interdisciplinary environment under stress and with strict deadlines.

Zakres obowiązków

  • Genomics data analysis for iBLESS, ChIA-PET, ChIA-Drop, Hi-C and HiChIP experimental data;
  • Three-dimensional computational modeling using ChIA-PET, ChIA-Drop, Hi-C and HiChIP experimental data;
  • Statistical analysis of epigenomic data, ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, RNAseq experimental data;
  • Analyzing the simulations results, formulating biophysical hyphothesis;
  • Commitment and full-time effort to the project;
  • Initiative in identifying and resolving problems relating to the research;
  • Management of his or her work efficiently and increase the visibility through the publications;
  • Active participation in weekly lab meetings, scientific seminars and international conferences;
  • Publications and individual Young Researchers grants preparation


  • an opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary project spanned across biology, physics and bioinformatics in the novel discipline of 3D genomics;
  • a unique multidisciplinary workplace in one of the best scientific institutions in Poland;
  • stimulating, young and friendly work environment;
  • access to the state-of-art NGS and computational equipment;
  • comprehensive training in molecular biology, bioinformatics, computational genomics, chromatin and 3D genomics;
  • opportunities for interdisciplinary and international collaborations;
  • possibility of further personal and scientific development.

Dokumenty wymagane do rekrutacji

  • Cover letter describing Candidate motivation; 2. Current curriculum vitae; 3. Copy of MSc certificate (or, if the MSc certificate has not been obtained yet, a certificate/document about the date of MSc defense);
  • Document confirming the status of PhD Student (to be provided before employment in the project);
  • Signed information on the personal data processing;
  • Motivation letter (why I would like to join 3DGenomics field?);
  • Letters of support from two or more scientists who are familiar with the Candidate (submitted directly to e-mail address below);
  • Short written review-type document about recent advances in 3D genomics;
  • A list of publications and conference presentations.